Baby Xin Ying Testimonial

"Baby Xin Ying at 5 months old"

"Baby Xin Ying Experiencing The Miracle of Water"

We still remember vividly when we first dipped her into her baby swimming pool. She looked a little scared, a little worried and a little surprised. But she did not cry. Slowly she started to enjoy herself in the water. Kicking and moving around in her swimming pool. Since it is her first time swimming, we took her out of the pool less than 5 minutes later.

From then on, each time when she swims, she looks more and more at ease in the water increasing her water confidence. She keeps on swimming and kicking and moving in her pool; laughing and smiling and giggling. Seeing her enjoys so much in the water, it makes us feel so happy and satisfied.

"Baby Xin Ying at 7 months old"

"Baby Xin Ying benefits tremendously from early swimming"

We have noticed many positive and pleasant changes in her ever since she started swimming at 5 months old. She has been making amazing progress physically, mentally and intellectually. Now how we wish we could let her swim much earlier!

1. She was able to flip on tummy and roll over a few rounds at 4th and half month.

2. Started to sit at 5th month with minimal support.
Able to say out 'Pa Pa' and 'Ma Ma' at 5 months old although she does not understand the meaning.

3. Able to sit before 6th month without support.

4. Able to stand at 7th month with support.

5. Able to crawl at 8th month, albe to clap, wave bye bye, eat slice of fruit (orange, papaya, banana), on her own. She will spit out those pieces that she couldn't swallow.
Able to identify herself. When we call out her name, she will lightly hit her chest repeatably. 

6. Able to walk by holding on to sofa's edge at 10th month.
Able to play hide and side with us. When we hide somewhere and call her name, she will listen to the voice and came to where we are hiding. Once she found us she reacts happily.

7. Very healthy and do not suffer from any illness, not even fever and diarrhoea which is very common in infants. Swimming increases her immune system.

8. Do not suffer from colic which is almost unavoidable for young infants. Swimming relieves her wind and calms her down.

9. Able to concentrate when we are teaching her using flash cards and showing her educational videos. 

The movement in the water stimulates her senses and develops her brain.
Regular swimming develops her muscular system and cardiovascular system well; resulted in good physical development.

"Baby Xin Ying at 7 months old"

The benefits of swimming mentioned above are not just unique to Baby Xin Ying. Internet is filled with positive comments from child development experts, doctors and swimming instructors around the world as well as satisfied parents who introduced early swimming to their baby. Babies stayed in the aquatic environment for 9 months when they are in their mother womb, therefore it is only natural that they love swimming. Moreover aquatic environment offers them freedom of movement and 90% less gravity due to the buoyancy of the wafer which they could not experience else well.